
The End(二)


一场盛大婚礼,Shaw从没有想过这次执行任务的地方是一个这么盛大的婚礼殿堂,倒也是难怪Machine在路上又让自己换上晚礼服之类的正装,还说:”Dress up nicely.“



”You?“Shaw略显尴尬的笑了笑,这种情况遇见过好多次,”Maybe I forgot your name,I am so sorry.“

”I am Jeanne, long time no see you forget me?“女人惊讶的笑了笑,”Your headache is better now?Did not think the pain of you have changed the kind of torture。“

”Ah ha,Maybe.A headache is a real torment.“Shaw尴尬的笑了笑,”This is the wedding of one of Caroline's patients,Mrs.Shaw."Finch的声音在耳边想起了。

Shaw突然有些庆幸自己会习惯性的带上耳麦,“Jeanne Brown,Your number.“Finch一边搜索着信息,一边说,”Originally prepared to send John to go, and later found that may be more suitable for you this task.“


”Nothing,Maybe,Women will know more about women.“Finch快速的解释着,眼睛又瞄了一眼Shaw今晚的身份,”We'll be late, I wish you have a good time.“

”This is the best, otherwise you will be dead.“Shaw轻轻地说,咬紧了牙关,谁都知道自己最讨厌这种场合,尤其是在失去她之后,于是温馨的场面便越是不想看。



